The Big Three + 5km.

Want to improve your squat, bench press, and deadlift, whilst working towards a 5k PB? Then this is the plan for you. Become speed and power personified, as you sink your squats and claim those Strava segments you once thought out of reach.

Strength + Half Marathon.

If you are new to running and have set your sights on a half as a short term goal, then this is a great place to start. Balancing volume and intensity is a real challenge when training for longer distances and so many people get this wrong on their own. The Strength focus is on the squat, bench press, and deadlift so you’ll hit PB’s in the gym while building an unstoppable engine on the road.

Functional Fitness + 5km.

Specificity is king, and that is where functional fitness programming can sometimes limit separate running goals… But not here, as we have designed the solution in collaboration with 4x CrossFit Games Athlete James Newbury, and created the perfect balance of functional fitness and running specificity to have you making progress in ways you never thought you could. If you want to tear up then gym AND the tarmac, this is the plan for you…

Functional Fitness + Half Marathon.

Specificity is king, and that is where functional fitness programming can sometimes limit separate running goals… But not here, as we have designed the solution in collaboration with 4x CrossFit Games Athlete James Newbury, and created the perfect balance of functional fitness and running specificity to have you making progress in ways you never thought you could. If you want to tear up then gym AND the tarmac, this is the plan for you…

Hypertrophy + 5km.

Can you build muscle and improve your 5km time? Runners will say no, lifters will ask why even bother trying? But you want to develop yourself across disciplines, and be the most jacked 5km finisher in the race photos, don’t you? We get it, which is why we created this Training Plan…

Hypertrophy + Half Marathon.

Time to get some skin in the game…

You’ve been thinking about that Half Marathon haven’t you? Well, so have we, which is why we designed the roadmap for you to nail your prep, WITHOUT sacrificing your gains (as other coaches/athletes might suggest you have to…).

Hypertrophy + Marathon.

Building muscle mass is tough, running a marathon is tough… But you’re tougher, right? Too right, and with this roadmap, you can get swole AND put yourself in a pretty painful hole (at around mile 20) - proving to yourself and others, that you absolutely can do both. This combination is easy to get wrong, but it’s also easy to get it right: with this Training Plan.

Strength + Sprint Triathlon.

If you’re looking to dip your toe into triathlon (pun intended) alongside progressing your strength training, then this is the training plan for you. This is a fantastic starting point if you have your sights on longer distance triathlons further down the line, without sacrificing your time in the gym.

Strength + Olympic Triathlon.

If you’re set on training for an Olympic distance triathlon, but don’t want to sacrifice your strength or size, then this is the plan for you. Strength + Olympic Triathlon balances the demands of both disciplines so you confidently turn up to the start line knowing you’ve done everything required without sacrificing your strength gains. 

Strength + 70.3.

If you have set your sights on a 70.3 distance triathlon, but don’t want to sacrifice your strength or size, then this is the programme for you. There will be triathletes that tell you it can’t be done, or even doubt you, but you can run this programme for multiple progressive training cycles until you’re ready to prove them wrong.

Strength + Full Distance Triathlon.

If you are gearing up for a Full Distance Triathlon with a background in strength or hypertrophy training, then this is the plan for you. There will be naysayers, there will be those that doubt you, but you can run this programme for multiple progressive training cycles until you’re ready to prove them wrong.

Squat + Mile.

I (Jonny) helped Fergus become the second person on the planet to achieve the elusive 500lbs squat and sub-5 minute mile in the same day (as well as running a marathon on top of that). So we are uniquely qualified to help you improve your squat, go full send on your mile, and improve your aerobic engine at the same time - so what are you waiting for?


Whether you’re training for a trail race with some elevation to manage, or just wanting to feel robust in the hills - HillStrong will prepare you to tackle the mountain you are facing with confidence. Built on the principles that prepared us for Project Vertical, this is designed to develop your overall athletic ability, with a focus on competency in trails, hills and mountains.

Strength + Marathon.

Marathons are no joke, and even less so when placed alongside concurrent strength goals. Balancing volume and intensity is a real challenge for a goal like this one - so this our Strength + Marathon plan perfectly balances both to maximise your performance. Whether you’re looking to train for your first marathon, or to give another one a bash alongside your strength work, then this is the plan for you. The strength focus here is on the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Strength + 50km.

Ultra endurance AND heavy lifts? That’s a tough balancing act that requires a lot of consideration along the way. Our Strength + 50km programme is here to help push decent runners to new levels of endurance. Time, effort, sweat and tears will go into this one - but that’s why it fascinates you, isn’t it?


Built on the experience of almost 20 years of coaching in combat sports, Jonathan has produced this programme to guide and develop BJJ athletes at any level. Alongside your time on the mats, this will give you the foundational fitness you need to thrive, and maybe secure that next belt sooner than you expected.

Strength + 100km.

Isn’t running 100km enough? Do you really need to be strong as an ox as well..? Don’t worry, we get it, and we’re here to help you achieve both those things.

A tough balancing act that requires a lot of consideration along the way. Strength + 100km will take you to new levels of endurance while shifting more and more tin in the gym. It won’t be easy, and we promise you one thing: you won’t be the same person by the end of it.

*In a good way, obviously.